If you see a post on Facebook about a Casey Anthony confession, or a link to download the video chat app, run away. These two new Facebook scams demonstrate why the social network is such fertile ground for attackers to target.
Malware attacks frequently use social engineering to spread and current events as bait. With the recent unveiling of Facebook’s partnership with Skype to deliver video chat from within the social network, and the public outrage over the acquittal of Casey Anthony, attackers have the key ingredients they need to dupe victims into installing malware.
Did Casey Anthony ‘confess’ to her attorneys?
The answer may lie in Jose Baez’ opening statement during the Casey Anthony trial, a claim made by Baez which should have raised red flags with the jury.
From Casey Anthony Trial: Defense Throws Casey’s Father Under the Bus:
Jose Baez:
‘On June 16th 2008, Casey was home with Caylee and so was her father. Early morning hours, the exact time is not known, it could have been Early afternoon, Early morning, actually it was Early morning hours, George Anthony approached Casey and starting yelling at her ‘Where’s Caylee? Where’s Caylee?’
‘The exact time is not known’, the first red flag. The second red flag: Baez waffled on the time frame of Caylee Anthony’s ‘accidental drowning’, ‘it could have been early afternoon, early morning, actually it was early morning hours.’
Those who have tragically lost a child by way of an accident, illness, or a crime have the uncanny ability to recall the exact time their precious child died, went missing, or was murdered.
Casey Anthony was found not guilty of the three felonies related to Caylee Anthony’s death on July 5, 2011. Casey Anthony is set to be released from the Orange County Jail on July 17, 2011. After the acquittal verdict from the jury Casey Anthony has not issued a statement about her daughter’s death via the County Jail or her attorneys. It’s a sure bet behind the scenes major news media outlets are vying for Casey Anthony’s first interview after being released from jail. It’s also another sure bet, if Casey gives a (paid) interview she won’t ‘confess’. The interview, Casey’s first opportunity to put yet another ‘spin’ on what happened to Caylee Anthony in June of 2008. Or, Casey Anthony may wait to tell her ‘story’ in a book, a la OJ Simpson.
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