Avril Lavigne performs her singles What The Hell and Smile. It reminds me of why I was such a big fan back in the day. Not only is she super talented, but she also was never afraid to be herself. She was just her and didn't care what anyone else thought. Love it!
The next three acts to be called to the stage are Squonk Opera, Sandou Trio Russian Mob and J. Chris Newburgh. We get clips from last night's performances and then find out that the act moving on is.....SANDOU TRIO RUSSIAN MOB! They get some sweet words from Piers and share their joy with everyone.
Dezmond Meeks, Echo of Animal Gardens and Anna Graceman are the next to find out their fate. After they are shown their acts one last time ANNA GRACEMAN finds out she is in the next round. She is the cutest thing ever! i love how sweet Howie is to her, it truly melts my heart.
Priscilla Queen of the Desert performs and they are quite interesting. Not just the performance itself, but the costuming and everything as a whole. The dancing without the costumes would just be dancing and the costumes by themselves would just be costumes but put together it is truly something special.
Miami All Stars, Those Funny Little People and the Fiddleheads are the last group to find out where they stand. They are also given a montage of last night's performances before we find out that THOSE FUNNY LITTLE PEOPLE are going home. The Fiddleheads and Miami All Stars now must convince the judges why they should stay in the competition. They each state their cases and then it is determined that the act moving on to the next round is....MIAMI ALL STARS!
Congratulations to all four acts and best of luck to all twelve in their future endeavors. Be sure to tune in next week to see the next twelve acts perform. Goodnight!
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