Only eight years too late, 20th Century Fox Television has teamed up with filmmakers Jared Hess and Jerusha Hess to create a new animated series based on their hit indie movie, Napoleon Dynamite. Produced by Mike Scully (The Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond), the series will debut in 2012 and feature the film's original cast lending their voices to their animated counterparts. We'll wait here why you get in your time machine, travel back to 2004 and post about it on MySpace.
Napoleon Dynamite was something of a pop cultural revolution upon its release in 2004. With a budget of around $400 thousand, the film made nearly $45 million. Its dialogue and "Vote for Pedro" iconography and merchandise were ubiquitous online and in malls across the nation, as of course was actor Jon Heder's meticulously constructed über-dork, the title character himself.
Although more than eight years will have past since the film was in theaters, its creators, cast and Fox seem to think there's a good chance Napoleon Dynamite's collection of oblivious, imbecilic characters will feel right at home on the network, which also broadcasts Family Guy.
Read More: http://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/05/18/napoleon-dynamite-comes-to-tv-video/#ixzz1P93UK6re