The fourth season of HBO's addictive vampire series"True Blood" officially debuts Sunday night, meaning loyal viewers of the cable network's most popular current program finally get to catch up with Anna Paquin's Sookie Stackhouse -- who appears to have spentsome significant time in fairyland during the hiatus. Thank goodness she knows better than to sample the seductive light fruit that seems to be all the rage among the guests of the fae. Even with Ms. Stackhouse on an alternate plane, things in the supernaturally inclined burg of Bon Temps, La., appear to be just as charged as ever, with the emergence of a new coven of witches that is poised to rob handsome Viking Sheriff Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard) of his identity, maybe more, this season. "It's a completely different side of Eric," Skarsgard told The Times in an interview last week. "He doesn't know who he is so all that baggageis gone — 1,000 years of resentment and bitterness, the whole loathing humanitykind of stuff is gone. But there has to be an element of danger there still."