Wendy Williams, host of GSN’s new show, “Love Triangle,” holds what might be a kind of controversial opinion about celeb couple Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Though she thinks they make a nice couple, she wishes Demi hadn’t married Ashton because, at the end of the day, she won’t be able to give him children of his own. Now, I am pretty sure Wendy does not have a second job as Demi’s OB-GYN, so I’m going to take her assessment of Demi’s current reproductive capabilities with a grain of salt. I also am pretty sure she doesn’t hold a third job as the couple’s marriage counselor and is thus privy to their discussions—or lack thereof—about having a baby. And I don’t think it’s fair for her to assume that just because Ashton is from the midwest, he must want to procreate. All that being said, Wendy’s judgments about the seemingly happy couple do bring up a subject that us lesser famous folks can discuss—would you commit to someone who didn’t share your views on having kids?
Be sure to watch “Love Triangle” weeknights at 7:00 p.m. EST /6:00 p.m. CST on theGame Show Network. [Love It Or Leave It]